28 MARCH 1835, Page 9

• 1)(kiTSCRIPT


Rumours of the resignation of Ministers were current yesterday. It was s.'Id that Sir Roncter PEEL had been to Windsor, and that Earl GREY had been consulted by the King on the subject of forming a new Adtnielatration, though not with any view to the return of Earl Gutty himself to office. l'he first report was undoubtedly false ; the second

not very improbable. It is certain, that the dissatisfaction at the present state of things is daily becoming more general and decided; and there seems to be but one opinion as to the impossibility of Minis- ters coetinning to hold office. The best alternative seems to be the reed of 1,ord eil:I.LOURNE, who ought now to have the EAln TRIAL the Tories denied him. A Cabinet composed of Liberal Whigs, end some of the leaders of the Independent party, now too powerful to be excluded, would probably give sutisfaction to the country.