The Times announces the recognition of the independence of Wallachia
and Moldavia by the British Government, and seems to expect some vast increase to our foreign commerce from this pro- ceeding. It is also pretended that the countries alluded to will prove a cheek upon Russia ; but how they are to perform this service i3 not very well made out ; as the Russian troops can reach C,onstantinople without violating the territory of Wallachia and Moldavia—supposing them to be punctilious, for the first time. The independence, too, which we have recognized, is of a rather singular description, since it is compatible with the annual pay- ment of a tribute to the Turkish Sultan, and with his right to confirm the election of the Hospodar chosen by the people. The Times must have been sadly at a loss for an opportunity to laud the Duke of WELLINGTON, when it laid hold of this recognition of Wallachian " i ndependence."