Christopher Charles Foster, an Exchange broker, has decamped, after obtaining
a large sum, said to exceed :20,000/. by forged acceptances and other fraudulent proceedings It is supposed that lie has sailed in the Onterio for New York, with his brother and a lawyer's clerk, his accomplices. Ile has an uncle, to whose property he was heir, and who is supposed to be very wealthy : the uncle is a principal sufferer. Foster seems to have been a dissipated man, lie kept a mistress, who has taken possession of some valuables which she pretends were given to her by him ; and has left a wife and four children quite unpro- vide(' for.
Ann Jane Thornton, the sailor girl, has been sent to join her sister in Donegal. Her father had emigrated to Canada, end there was some difficulty itu diacovering her relations.
An inquest was held at Hackney, on Satuaday, on the body of Jane Cavan:tab, aged twenty, and the daughter of reputable parenta, who in a violent lit of pasion, as is suppoaed, threw heraelf into the canal at Cambridge Heath, and was drowned. She seas taken out of the water by means of drags; and a surgeon who was examiaed said that she was net quite dead then, but lw made no attempt ta restore animation. The Coroner reprimanded him for his conduct, and a verdict of " Found Drowned" was given by the Jury.