THE reports of Prince Bismarck's health begin to be discourag- ing. The correspondent of the Standard reports sleeplessness and inability to eat, and the North-German Gazette, though more cautious, says that he did not sleep well on March 25, and that although his strength is increasing, and the critical period passed, 'the state of his leg will not permit of his rising for some time. In-
deed it is said he cannot hope to stir, so as to seek convalescenceat a Bath, before June. In this case the Military Bill will be lost, for it is said that the Emperor's speech to his Generals, in which lie stated that a new crisis had arrived, and that he Was ready to repeat his old four-years' contest with the Army, has not awed the Reichstag, as intended, but has cost the Government very many votes. It may be presumed that some method of agree- ment will be found, but at present the work of the Legislature seems to be at a standstill.