Sunday Work And Mrs. Grundy.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "EPEOTATOR."3 SIR,—The logical process by which Mrs. Grundy has arrived at the conclusion that, for purposes of recreation, paterfamilias may use his legs......
THORVALDSEN. * 'ONE of the most acute of living critics has thought it no paradox to close a series of essays on the bast secondary work produced in the Renaissance of Art by a......
The Pillars Of The House. * Whoever Is Acquainted With The
writings of the author of the Heir of Redclide will be prepared to find a new work of hers couched either in one of two styles, the transcendentally sentimental or the minutely......
The Brewers' Licence.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Even if it is the case as you say, that the beer-drinker pays. the brewer's licence, I do not see how the argument justifies the tax.......