Alexandrovna has been presented to Parliament. It provides. that the
Duchess shall enjoy free exercise of her religion, but. attend a Protestant church on State occasions, and that the- children shall be brought up as Protestants. Her Royal High- ness receives £150,000 from the State Treasury and £150,000. from her father, both of which sums will remain in Russia at 5- per cent. ; a further present of £11,250 a year for life, with an annuity if she becomes a widow of 16,000 from Great Britain. The Duchess also retains her own fortune of £90,000, and has, in fact, about £400,000, producing with the special anunity, but without the jointure, /31,250 a year. This is considered, apparently, monstrous wealth, but there are heir- esses hi England much richer ; and £150,000 of the capital reverts to Russia, after the death of both Duke and Duchess without children. There is to be only one household, towards -which the Duchess may contribute as she pleases, remaining, however,. exempt from her husband's debts. He never has any.