Church and No Church. By the Rev. A. H. Here.
(Hayes.)—This is a book written apparently by a Ritualist of the most extreme type,— at least, it is full of the audacious statements which characterise these religionists. Let the reader take one instance. "Nor is there," writes Mr. lore, on p. 159, "any valid reason against the Reserved Sacrament. It was allowed under Edward VL's first Prayer-book. There is indeed a rubric prescribing the mode of consuming what is left of the Holy Sacrament ; but this, we may suppose, is to provide for its decent dis- posal. The most profitable and decent disposal is its careful reservation for use in celebrations for the sick." Now what does the rubric say ? "If any remain of that [the Bread and Wine] which was consecrated, it shall not be carried out of the church." One would think that Mr. Here presumes that none of his readers will take the trouble to refer to his Prayer-book, when he ventures on such a statement. He describes himself as "Chaplain to the Forces." We should like to know whether he reserves the Sacrament "for use in celebrations for the sick," and whether, if he does, it is well that, holding such a post as his, he should be allowed to break the law so flagrantly?