The German Upper House (Council of Princes) has passed the
new Ecclesiastical Laws for interning and banishing refractory priests,—the only dissentient principality being that of Reuss- Schleiz (population, 89,000, or, say, equal to that of Nottingham). The measure, which is now to be submitted to the Reichstag, proposes to give power to " intern " condemned ecclesiastics in a given territory, and in case of further disobedience, to deprive them of their nationality, and exile them from all the territory of the Federation. Priests thus losing their nationality in one State lose it in all, and cannot again be naturalised in any without the sanction of the Federal Council. It is a sharp measure, which will probably drive Mr. Newdegate mad, for many of the exiled priests will come here, and torment his imagination, if not him- self. Prince Bismarck's illness will probably not prevent the Reichstag from carrying the law. For the purpose of legalising persecution at least, no official pressure is wanted.