THE extraordinary extent to which the German Emperor carries his disposition to concern himself with everything, has received a new illustration. His Majesty has addressed a public letter to his Chancellor, expressing his satisfaction with the results attained by this year's management of the Imperial Bank. He says:—" Although these results, which have hitherto never been reached by the turnover and net profits, cannot be regarded as a sign that our economic affairs in general are in a particularly favourable condition, in so far as they are not so much due to a prosperous state of trade and industry as to the prevailing disproportion between the currency and credit, yet, on the other hand, the business report of the past year furnishes a fresh proof that the Imperial Bank, even in difficult circumstances, is fully equal to the credit demands made upon it." Has the Emperor got a currency "view " of his own, as he has an educational view P In this country recently, the Chancellor of the Exchequer praised the Bank of England, and M. Rouvier only last week extolled the Bank of France; but a testimonial given to a Bank by a great Sovereign has hitherto been unprecedented. It would be more dignified, one would think, even if the Emperor understands all about " turnovers," to leave the appreciation of such results to be expressed by the Treasury.