A CHILD'S HAIR. A LETTER from abroad. I tear Its sheathing open, unaware What treasure gleams within ; and there— Like bird from cage— Flutters a curl of golden hair Out of the......
Pasteurism In England.
[To TRH EDITOR OT THE " SPECTATOR. " I SIR,—Will you allow me, through your columns, to draw attention to the advertisement which appeared in the Times of the 20th inst., of an......
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR," Sin,—Your reviewer (p. 420) of Canon Rawlinson's "Isaac and Jacob" has a strange idea of uncompromising Calvinism." He finds it in the......
A Curious Irish Will.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. " ] SIR,—So recently as the year 1874, a protessiouat gentleman in the South of Ireland made a will some extracts from which are hero given.......