[To TRH EDITOR OT THE " SPECTATOR."I SIR,—Will you allow me, through your columns, to draw attention to the advertisement which appeared in the Times of the 20th inst., of an application for a licence of the Board of Trade for an Association about to be formed under the name of " The British Institute of Preventive Medicine," of which one of the objects is "to prepare and to supply to those requiring them such special protective and curative materials as have been already found, or shall in future be found, of value in the prevention and treatment of infective diseases with a view to effecting these objects to provide laboratories, to appoint a scientific staff, and to institute lectures and demonstrations "P To those who have watched the history of the Brown Institute and the attempts that have been made to introduce into England a Pasteur Institute, and who have learned from the British Medical Journal that "a National Institute of Bacteriology should, in the first instance, be a place of research in which competent observers, willing to devote themselves to the work, may find all necessary resources for their investigation." What can this mean, but that one more effort is being made to start in our midst a school for vivisection which shall rival those of Germany and France P I would beg of those who have at heart the welfare of animals, and I would add, of humanity as well, to lose no time in protesting against this new attempt to form such a school.
The advertisement ends thus :—" Any person, company, or corporation objecting to this application may bring such objection before the Board of Trade on or before the 4th day of April next, by a letter addressed to the Assistant- Secretary, Railway Department, Board of Trade, Whitehall,
London, S.W."—I am, Sir, &c., A. Muntan Roscou, Hon. Sec., Bristol and Clifton Anti-Vivisection Society. P.S.—Petitions to be signed are lying at the offices of the Anti-Vivisection Society, 20 Victoria Street, Westminster, where further information can be obtained.