28 MARCH 1891, Page 16



A LETTER from abroad. I tear Its sheathing open, unaware

What treasure gleams within ; and there— Like bird from cage—

Flutters a curl of golden hair Out of the page. From such a frolic head 'twas shorn I ('Tis but five years since he was born.) Not sunlight scampering over corn Were merrier thing.

A child ? A fragment of the morn, A piece of Spring !

Surely an ampler, fuller day

Than drapes our English skies with grey— A deeper light, a richer ray Than here we know—

To this bright tress have given away Their living glow.

For Willie dwells where gentian flowers Make mimic sky in mountain bowers ; And vineyards steeped in ardent hours Slope to the wave, Where storied Chillon's tragic towers Their bases lave ; And over piny tracts of Vaud The rose of eve steals up the snow; And on the waters far below Strange sails like wings Half-bodilessly come and go, Fantastic things; And tender night falls like a sigh

On chalets low and chciteaux high ;

And the far cataract's voice comes nigh, Where no man hears ; And spectral peaks impale the sky On silver spears.

Ala, Willie, whose dissevered tress Lies in my hand !—may you possess At least one sovereign happiness,

Ev'n to your grave ; One boon than which I ask naught less, Naught greater crave : May cloud and mountain, lake and vale, Never to you be trite or stale As unto souls whose wellsprings fail Or flow defiled, Till Nature's happiest fairy-tale Charms not her child !

For when the spirit waxes numb, Alien and strange these shows become, And stricken with life's tedium The streams run dry, The choric spheres themselves are dumb, And dead the sky,— Dead as to captives grown supine, Chained to their task in sightless mine Above, the bland day smiles benign, Birds carol free, In thunderous throes of life divine Leaps the glad sea ; But they—their day and night are one What is 't to them, that rivulets run, Or what concern of theirs the sun ?

It seems as though Their business with these things was done. Ages ago : Only, at times, each dulled heart feels That somewhere, sealed with hopeless seals;. The unmeaning heaven about him reels, And be lies hurled Beyond the roar of all the wheels Of all the world.

• .• On what strange track one's fancies fare ! To eyeless night in sunless lair 'Tie a far cry from Willie's hair;

And here it lies—

Human, yet something which can ne'er• Grow sad and wise : Which, when the head where late it lay In life's grey. dusk itself is grey, And when the curfew of life's day By death is tolled, Shall forfeit not the auroral ray And eastern gold. WILLIAM WATSON.