28 MARCH 1914, Page 2

Mr. Boner Law produced a profound sensation by reading a

version of what General Paget had said to the senior officers. He had informed them that operations were to be begun against Ulster, and he expected the country to be in a blaze by Saturday. Officers domiciled in Ulster would be allowed to disappear and would be reinstated in their position, but they must give their word of honour that they would not fight for Ulster. Officers not prepared to fight against Ulster for conscientious or other reasons were to send in their resignations and would be dismissed the Army. It was to be fully understood that Brigadiers and any officers who avoided service on an incorrect statement of being domiciled in Ulster would be tried by Court-Martial. We may add that this version of what General Paget said has during the week received the most ample corroboration. It is clearly a correct précis.