Plying : Some .practical Experiences. By Gustav Hamel And...
C. Turner. (Longmans and Co. 12s. 6d. net.)— "Many books have been written on the history and on the theory of mechanical flight: practical flying has been com- paratively......
Photo-electricity. By Arthur Llewellyn-hughes. (cam-...
By J. W. Capatick. (Same publishers. 45. 6d.)—These two volumes belong to the " Cambridge_Physieal Series," and to say that is enough to commend them to all who, need lucid and......
The Kipling Index. (macmillan And Co.)—this Useful...
a list of Mr. Kipling's works up to date, with the detailed contents of each ; (2) an alphabetical index of all his stories and poems; (3) an index of the first lines of his......
Men And Women Of The Italian Reformation. By Christopher...
(Stanley Paul and Co. 12s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Hare tells us that be has been encouraged by the success of his recent work on Princess Giulia Gonzaga Colonna to give the world some......
Excavations On Rockbourne Down, Hampshire. By Heywood...
2e. net.)—This admirably printed booklet is a valuable record of a long-forgotten Romano- British farm settlement, discovered by Mr. Sumner on the estate of the Earl of......
New Enrrions.—lord Jim. By Joseph Conrad. (william...
ls. net.)—This brilliant study of "the soul that found herself," with the Indian Ocean and the Malay jungle for its background, well deserves the honour of the cheap......
Mineral Resources Of The United Slates, 1912. (washington...
Office.) — This gigantic work—two volumes containing 2,300 pages-is a testimony at once to the diligence of the United States Geological Survey, which has prepared it, and to......
The Faith Of Japan. By Taanku Harada. (macmillan And Co.
5s. 6c1. net.)—Dr. Harada is the President of Dosbisha University at Kyoto, and this earnest exposition of Japanese religion was in substance delivered by him as a course of the......