Plying : Some .Practical Experiences. By Gustav Hamel and Charles
C. Turner. (Longmans and Co. 12s. 6d. net.)— "Many books have been written on the history and on the theory of mechanical flight: practical flying has been com- paratively neglected." Messrs. Hamel and Turner have, therefore, given us an original and fascinating book on the practical aspect& of the art and sport of aviation. A good word is rightly put in for-the once deprecated "trick flying." Whilst many fatal accidents have thus been caused, yet much has been learnt, and many feats that were once regarded as mere foolhardy tricks have now become part of the regular art of flying—see, for instance, what Captain Dickson said about the vol plane in 1910, when it had just been discovered. Our authors, hold that " no aviator ought to venture on a cross- country voyage unless he is confident that, in given circum- stances, he can come down in a spiral or a corkscrew, and that should he be completely turned over by a squall of wind he can right the machine again." This is quite the best book on flying that we have yet seen.—The Powers and Aeronautics. (John Murray. la. net.)—A reprint of some Times articles which Colonel Seely commended in 1913 as the best account of recent progress in aviation by France, Italy, and Germany.