Excavations on Rockbourne Down, Hampshire. By Heywood Sumner. (Chiswick Press.
2e. net.)—This admirably printed booklet is a valuable record of a long-forgotten Romano- British farm settlement, discovered by Mr. Sumner on the estate of the Earl of Shaftesbury, five miles from Salisbury. An area of about ninety-six acres is there enclosed by a low earthwork, taking in a remarkable water-source known as Spring Pond, which first aroused the author's curiosity. This pond rises in winter and falls in summer: it is, in fact, a chalk spring. Mr. Sumner's excavations proved that a farm existed on this site in the third century A.D., and be discovered a number of coins and other relics which have been deposited in the Salisbury Museum. As he justly sue, "archaeological relics cannot easily be seen if they are preserved in private hande," and we hope that other excavators will follow his liberal example.