India It is difficult to realize that it was the
ashes of three murderers that were thrown into the river at Lahore after their execution on Monday. On the following day the Indian National Congress opened at Karachi under a flag at half-mast. ' Hartals have been called. Extremist demonstrations intensify the atmosphere of unrest. At New Delhi, where. a few days ago the resolu- tions of the Chamber Of Princes sounded so hopeful a note, the entire Nationalist Party walked Out of the Legislative Assembly. When the need for harmony was greatest, discord has sprung up overnight. It is impossible to forecast the consequences of this new discontent, but we doubt whether its influence on the course of the Congress will be far-reaching: Gandhi hirnielf, upon Whom both verbal and in one caie physical attacks have been made, can be trusted to ignore, if not to control, the sound and fury of extremism., Responsi- bility does not press upon his shoulders with the weight that lies upon the Government. Murderous communal fighting began on Wednesday at Cawnpore.