With A Fine Quality Of Paper, Generous Broad Margins And
a . delicately curious fount of type, a fitting dress is furnished for Dr. E. J. Martin's Twenty-one Mediaeval Latin Poems (Scholartis Press, 16s.). The collection consists......
The B.b.c. Programme Of Talks From April To July Is
pub- lishcd this week, with a Foreword by Mr. Evelyn Wrench. It includes its usual variety Of stimulating and interesting subjects, from a series of diseussions on "The World......
* * * *
During the past month the books most in demand at the Times Book Club have been :— Nox-Ficriox :—Men and Memories, by William Rothen- stein ; Green Hell, by Julian Duguid ; The......
In Mr. J. W. Best's . Tiger Days (murray, 7s. 6d.)
there is no "literariness," but much solid meat of fact, observation of nature, forest trees, and sport—especially , with tigers. The author's many years' experience as a forest......
With An Industry Which Is As Great As It Is
commendable, Mrs. Rhys Davids is reconstructing the original message of Buddhism, thereby continuing the devoted labours of Dr. Rhys Davids, who founded the Pali Text Society in......
The Title Of Mr. David Loth's Royal Charles : Ruler
and Rake (Routledge, 15s.) is self-explanatory, and almost all we need add is that the book is an excellent piece of work. The author would not claim for it that it enlarges our......
Weigall In Boom In Florida (lane, 10s. 6d.) Says It
Without doubt Mr. Weigall has suffused his book with just the right atmosphere, especially when seen through the bottom of a glass ; on every other page or so "I'll say "......
Some Books Of The Week
Refugees, by C. A. Macartney (League of Nations Union, Is. 6d.), tells the story of the first few years work in repatriating and preserving from death and destitution the......