A petition against the Reform Bill has been got up by the Cambridge doctors, which promises to effect nothing but to raise a laugh against themselves. There is no reason in the world why all men should be agreed on the subject of Reform, more than on any ether : nor why those who dislike it should not say so. But manhood cries shame on those who employ underhand, sneaking methods of testifying dislike. Why don't the Cambridge people give opinion fair play ? If the young men be for Reform, by what flimsy devices would they seek to keep them from expressing their wishes ? They .1)ring forward a petition against Reform, which is of weight only as It issues from the University in a regular and fair way : it is a Petition on which every Master of Arts has a right to vote : and it is announced in such a way and at such an hour as to prevent a Master of Arts at lofty or "fifty miles distance from knowing • anything
about it. - - -