28 MARCH 1931, Page 17

Report of the National Anthem Competition

THE response to our demand for a new verse for "God Save the King" advocating world co-operation was disappointing in quality if not in quantity. A surprisingly large number of our readers appear to be unfamiliar with the metrical structure • of the anthem they were invited to emend, and interesting experiments were made in a variety of mediums, from vers fibre to what can best be described as the Spenserian triolet. "Co-operation" was variously interpreted but less variously symbolized ; the favourite metaphor was the clasping of hands, but only one competitor quoted, as authority for such daring imagery, the chtffre of the B.B.C. It was a com- ment on the trend of modern thought that in most entries the ethics of co-operation took second place to the economics. There was a significant tendency to rhyme " enfold " with "gold." One competitor, writing from Switzerland, infected perhaps by •the proverbially commercial outlook• of the home of the League of Nations, sings-:— " Grant that our paths be strewed

With peace and plentitude, Strength to us bring Let us not hesitate, Wisely co-operate,

Trade to invigorate;

Cod save the King ! "

The emphasis is on industry rather than amity. Many confused the world with the Empire, and at least two, by allowing it to contain only men "white, brown, or black of face," adopted a somewhat exclusive attitude towards China. There were several startling prophesies ; for instance :

"Oh world, co-operate With our conglomerate Red British ' Ring ' ! Then shall America Shout with all Africa : Japan ! ! Etcetera ! ! ! ' "

A singular cry ! A small minority frankly rejected co-operation. Notable among these was "An Old Officer of the Territorial Force," who began with the impassioned plea :—

"Pray not the world become One mixed up Bumbledom."

Of the very few good entries, Miss Mary A. Woods' was the best. Her verse carries, out the transition from a national to an international ideal without doing violence to the spirit of the anthem.- She says the right thing with felicity and economy.

"0 God, whose love can trace In ours and every race Thine Image still ; Grant us, in all we can, . 'To speed Thy gracious Plan, Thy changeless aim for Man— Peace and Goodwill ! "

Miss MARY A. WOODS, " Windwhistle," Claygate, Esher.