28 MARCH 1931, Page 17

St. George for Merne England

A Saga Ex Press

Mn. COOPER is a nice young Man.

He means welt.


So is Mr. Baldwin a nice man.

A very nice man.

We must remember we are sporting Britons.

So again, Mr. Baldwin is a very nice man.

So are we all nice men.

But we come to bury Baldwin, not to praise him.

We the people like Mr. Baldwin very much.


We the people want a leader who can put across the Big Business of Empire.

A far far Petter Thing.

What is more, our candidate has a quiet, humorous eye.

Lord Beaverbrook is not a nice man.

Oh dear no.

He is a great little patriot.

That's what he is.

He stands for Empire.

And he is grieved that the horrid Tories say "Press " at him and snigger.

.No, Mr. Baldwin, what you say is simply not said.

It is not British to lick your lips.

Nor to be furtive.

(Never mind what he said. Mr. B. wasn't so nice this time, that's all.) We Lord Beaverbrook, the people, stand for fair play.

We are the man versus the political machine.

Put across the David and Goliath stuff.

Gandhi's eye is on you, Electors of St. George's.

Eyes across the sea.

Gandhi's breath is bated. For, a vote for Mr. Cooper is a vote for Mr. Baldwin is a vote for the Labour Government is a vote for Lord Irwin is a vote for Mr. Gandhi • who doesn't know anything about British Fair Play. And so the Old Women must not get home to-night.

* Come clean.

Who is talking about the Ridiculous Bogey of Press Domina- tion?

Says the flea to the elephant, "Who're you pushing ? "

Mr. Cooper has lost his Duff.

We are pained by these personalities.

How can people be so mean ?

We, Lord Beaverbrook, the people, are out for the Empire and Playing the Game.

Down with Baldwin.

Down with Old Weak-knees.

But always remembering that he is a very nice man.

Personally I like Mr. Baldwin very much, -And I have given Mrs. Baldwin's charity lots of publicity.

So there.

I believe in Imperial Free Trade.

Take that.

No, no ! Madam ! Do not put your X against Lord Beaver- brook's name.

You won't find it on the ballot paper.

The name is Petter. P.E.T.T.E.R.


A Bonny Fight.

Heroes All.

A Great Conservative Victory.

Conservatives seventeen thousand and something.

Ind. Cons, eleven thousand and something.

Hurray !

Hurray !

Anyway we have given some jolt to the Central Office. Yahboo Still, Mr. Baldwin and Mr. Cooper are very nice men indeed.