Shareholders of British Insulated Cables, Ltd., who were present at the recent annual meeting, were evidently disposed to agree with the Chairman, Sir Alexander Roger, that having regard to the conditions of depression during 1939 the company had done well to earn a net profit of 1576,0l10. while including the amount brought in there was a disposable balance of 1857,000. Moreover, the company was able b pay a dividend for the year of 15 per cent. and to carry forwan £279,317. The Chairman, in the course of his remark,. emphasised the fact that competiton at home and abroad wa, growing, and that it was only by the maintenance of thcit turnover that sufficient profits could be earned to enable the company to make adequate provisions and provide satisfactory dividends. In the course of his remarks Sir Alexander Roger referred to the Imperial, Local and Municipal taxation which. he said, was crushing the life out of industry. "I am not.' he said, "an advocate of reducing wages, but E am an advocate of increasing the output per person.