Not the least important development in the Industrial Market last week was the announcement of the terms of the fusion of the Gramophone Company and the Columbia Graphophone Company. A new holding company is to be formed to acquire the issued capital of both companies by an exchange of shares, and the terms of the exchange are as follows :- ' Holders of £1 Ordinary shares in the Gramophone Company will receive an equal number of £1 Ordinary shares in the new company, and holders of Five per Cent. Preference shares 1411 receive an equal number of £1 Six per Cent. Preference shafts in the new company. Holders of each 10s. share of the Columbia Graphophone Company will receive one £1 Ordinary share in the new company, and Holders of five £1 Seven per Cent. Preference shares will receive six £1 Six per Cent. Preference shares."
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