28 MAY 1836, Page 18


THE display of Pictures by the Great Masters, at the British Instill- lion, this year, is the richest that e c have seen for many a season It includes " The Prodigal Son," and " Abraham Receivieg the Angels," purchased among others by the Duke of SUTHERLAND f Marshal SOULT. These two pictures are chefs itteuvre of Meanie): in force and beauty of expression they are unsurpassable. Here ace likewise " The Seven Sacraments" of N. POUSSIN, from the Stuff rd Gallery ; " The Assumption of the Virgin," by Gem° ; a number of wonderfully fine Portraits, by VANDYKE, MURILLO, REMBRANDT, LEONARDO DA VINCI, PAItMIGIANO, and VELASQUEZ ; " The En- -chanted Castle," and several beautiful Landscapes. by CLAUDE, and others by GASPAR PoUSSIN, SALVATOR Rost, RUYsDAEL, &c. Our first space for these subjects shall be devoted to the indication of their beauties.

The Private View of the Drawings of RArrArene, forming part of the LAwRENCE Collection, will be on Friday and Saturday next, and they will open to the public on the Monday following.