In The Provinces, Agitation Has Been Commenced With Great...
The Dublin correspondent of the Times says- " It is quite manifest that the Ministetialists of all shades, including the aris - toeratic Whigs, as well absentee as resident......
The General Assembly Of The Church Of Scotland Commenced Its
sittings on the 19th instant. The usual procession took place, and was flume-co:1.1y attended. The only business transacted was the election of the Moderator, or President of......
State O The Church. The Commissioners Appointed To...
the " State of the Established Church, with reference to Ecebsiastival Duties and Reve- nues," have made a further report. In order to obviate the objections of the clergy in......
The Petition Committee Have Forwarded A Circular Despatch...
leading Reformers in every . part of Ireland, detailing their plans, earnestly requesting cooperation, and supplying the outlines of peti- tions to the House of Commons—to be......