In the provinces, agitation has been commenced with great vigour.
The Dublin correspondent of the Times says- " It is quite manifest that the Ministetialists of all shades, including the aris - toeratic Whigs, as well absentee as resident Irish prop ietors, are determined to work up the agitation with vigour and earnestness. Meath is the first county to enter the lists as an auxiliary to the Association recently formed at the Corn Exchange. The High Sheriff of that county, Mr. Henry Aleredyth has con- vened a meeting for Wednesday next, at the Court-house of Navan, to a peti- tion Parliament for a speedy and satisfactory settlement of the Tithe question, and also to express the strong sense we entertain of the injustice done to Ireland by refusing a measure of ;Municipal Reform based on the same principles as the acts recently passed for England and Scotland.' These are the words of the requisition ; to which are attached the names of the M u quis of Headfort, the &ills of Fingell, Iiltown, and Essex, Lords Gormanston, Killeen, Clon- curry, Sherburne, and Talbert de Malahide ; John Cantwell, the Roman Ca- tholic Bishop of Meath ; the Honourable T. Bat newall, Sir Patrick Bellew, M.P., Sir William Somerville, Sir Thomas Chapman, S r William De Bathe, Morgan O'Connell, :11. P.. and Henry Grattan, M.P. Then follow a number of Deploy-Lieutenants and Magistrates, several parish-priests, and upwards of 200 Radical freeholders, eiosine with Robert Mullen, the Secretary of the Meath Couaty Club.' I am tie:: lie ticubtr in describing this requisition, in order to apprize you of the effer e thus early made to promote and extend the present agitation campaign.' Are leg meats are in progress tar meetings in other
counties." • The Cork &maw), Reporter of Saturday says-
" The public indignation is intense. One universel heeling exists, that the insultinz mockery substituted for the bill which pa-osl Cie Commons, should be rejected without a moment's lie:et:aioe. A requietioe for a public meeting
of the ci of Cirk has been numerously signed to petition the llott4e of Conenons to reject Lord Jellaba, st's bill. The meeting for this impose will be held its tho canning week. Tile Repreeentativcs of the People, the Commons Hone! of Parliament, will doubtless do their duty."
Sir Harem= Lees statod in the Court of Exchequer, on Monday, that he tmuld not procure :t shilling of his tithes: everywhere the people were determined not to pay them.