28 MAY 1836, Page 6



On the 24111 inst., at the Earl of Ilarevvuutl's, in Hanover Square, the Lady LOUISA CAVI..NDIsll, Or a soil. Oar the 20,11 lust., at Fintray House, Aberdeenshire. the Hon. Lady Forums, of CI aigiever. of it sou. TIte Lady of JAMES MORRIMIN„ Esq.. M.P., Upper Marley Street, of a son. Ou the Pith lust., at Orcitaad House, :Northumberland, the Hoe. Mrs. CouLsos. of a son. On the 17th inst., at Hampton Lodge, Sorry, the Right lion. Lady CATHARINE Limo, of a sou. still-lass.

On the 22.1 lust., its Guildford Street, Russell Square, the wife of THOMAS CORM MC, EMI.. or Imiu s.um Vu the 21st lust., the wife of the Rev. W. GOODENOUGH lisvpr, of Midhurst, Sussex. of a daughter.

Ou the 21st inst., at Vanbrugh House, Blackheath, the wife of the Rev. J. D. Gt.ga- NIL Om at M.H.

On the 25th inst., its Brook Street, the Viscountess Coaav, of a son. On the 26th lust., the Lady of THOMAS MAGUIRE, Esq., of Beaufort Row, Chelsea, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. Oa the 21st inst.. at St. George's. Cos ar.tx, eldest son of Sir George Wombell, Bart.. to CHARLOTTE, daughter ot Orby flouter, Esq., of Grosvenor Place. OH the 21th inst., at Watford. Herefordshire, CusaLvs UN nrawoon. Esq., M D., to MANY ISABELLA, youngest daughter of the late Colonel Thoruton. of Flintham tams.. Nottingham. On the 19.11 inst.. at Cheltenham, W1LLIA1111 MADDEN GLASCITT, Esq.. of Alderton. Weston', to ELIZABETH II A extort* Ever, youngest daughter of James Boyd. Ls(.. of Rosslure, its the same county.

Ou tie 26th inst.. by the Archbishop of Armagh. at his Grace's House, Vice-Admiral Sir JoHN BEN hsFoRD, Bart., to A/410.1s, 1■ Wow of the late Samuel peach, Esq.

DEAT I IS. On the 10th inst.. at Northiam. the Rev. HENRY LORD, D.D., late Fellow of St. College. oxtiarl, Rector of liarneystotte, Kent, and Surtlitam, SUS,ex, its 114 ?6tb year. Ou t he 21st init.. at Chorley Wood. Herts, the Rev. ROBERT CONINO11.131, Or ROSE 111 the same comity. its his 22.1 year.

On the 2Ist Sacra, Esq of Dacre Street. Westminster. in his 84th


On 11w 22.l inst.. was &awned in the iiier Thames. near BotherLithe. by the up- setting of a sainne.hoal. Mr. Enwis Goon, for many years iu the confidential employ of Messrs. Mills and Edwards. Oxford Street On the 28th inst.. siehlenly, at his house, Great Stanhope Street. W E, Tosu.twr, Esq.. KR S. F.L.S. &e. Ou the 26th inst.. at his home, Devonshire Ftreet, Portland Place, WILLIAM Yoti *Truer. Esq.. F.A.S., in We 65th year.