OFFICE OF ORDUANCY,, May 21.-4 raps or Resat Engineers—Second Capt. W. "1. Glosseit to he Capt. size Haigh. placed on the retired list ; First Lieut. T. (lodges to be Secoud Capp vice Gossett ; soots, Lieut. It. S. Bealson to be First Lieut. vice Budge- ; Rest Lieut. SI. W. Heath to be Second Capt. vice Stocker. placed on the retired list ; Secoud Lieut. S. Fat...Ili to be I'irst Lieut. vice Heath.
May 27.-2d Diagram Guards. Laud. W. Campbell to be Capt. by purchase, vico Berney. airs letires ; Lieut. H. Briscoe. from t he 29th Foot, to be Lieut. by purchase, ice C,coptioll. 4th mm atgim.n Guards—Lieut. SI. Clark. limn the 16th light l'raguotts, to be Livia. sire Nom% who exchanges 16th Light Dragoons—Lieut. W. A. Bose, nom the 4111 Dogma' Guards, to be Lieut. situ Clank, who exelanges. 3,1 Foot— Copt It. NI.Nabb, from tlw 1,3111,01V UnalIavileil, to be Capt. vice A .:,tewart, a ho ex- change: ; Lieut. It. Jones, koill tic hall-pay of the 58th I out, to be Lieut. vice NI'Kabir ; Stall. Vssist. slog. J. Law, to be Assist. Sorg. vice Dyee, appointed to the 81st Foot. 4th Foot—W. Wall. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase. vice Nicholson, a I.0 retires; Ensign I. Potter. from the 30th Foot. to be Quartermaster, vice W. II arms, who retires Nam ball pay. 6th Foot—Lieut..). Benyon, from the half-pay Unattached, to he Lieut. vice Kelly, piomoted. Ilth Foot—Ensign Alexander Cockburn, to be Lieut, by purchase. vice Elliott, alio retires; Charles Asheton Fitzllaidinge Berke- ley. Gnus to be Ensign, by purchas,.. vice Cockburn. 15th Foot—Captain Robert Stratton, nom the liall.pay Unattached, to be t 'aptain, vice 'I'. Colnian,a ho exchauges. 19.11 Teat—Pay master P. Fleming. nom t Ile 56: h Regt. of Foot. to be Paymaster, cieo Ty rld.miee. 90111 Foot—Capt. J. Kelly, trona the half-pay unattached. to be Capt. vice L. Bulkeley. a lioexcliaa;vs. 46111 Foot—Lieut. J. Taylor. to be Capt. %about purchase, vice French, dec. ; T. ;Wallin, Gent. to be Ensign, without purchase. 53d. Foot—Ensign Hun. st. G. G. Foley, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Scott. who retires; Eusigu and Ailjt. W. Fulloas to have the rank of Lieut.; It. N. Phillips, Gent. to be Ensign by purchase. vice Foley. 5Jal1 Fout--Ensio"n W. ii. L. D. Cuddy, to be Lieut. a dined parch:ow, vice hope, nee.; Serjt.-Major T.4; ibson, from the 33,1 Regt.ol Foot. to be Ensign. vice Cuddy. 81st Foot —Assist.-Sity.evin D.Dyce, from the 3d Regiment. of Foot, to Ix' Assist -Sing. 85th Foul —E its.go 07 Jackson, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Bomphrys, who retires ; Gent. Cadet C. J. Colville, from the Royal :Wintery College, to he Ensign, by purchase. vice Jackson, promoted. 1st West India Regt.— G. Wade, Gent. to he Eusigu, aithout purchase.