The Stock Market has been heavy since our last report. Money has been scarce ; list the pressure has chiefly been felt in the Exchequer Bill Market ; and those Seco' ities have been done at lower premiums than last week. It was ex- pected that the Bank Directors would have yesterday issued the usual notice of their intention to advance money during the shutting of the various Stocks, the books of which will close, preparatory to the Dividends, in the course of next week : but no such notice was issued. It is, however, understorml that formal notice to that effect will he given on Thursday next ; and there is to-day more readiness in cauitalists to make. advances, and the premium upon Exchequer Bills has advanced. The intelligence from America is such as lead* to the conclusion that the considerable export of the precious metals, which has beta going on fur some time, will be still prolonged. The accounts are of various character. and differ materially as to the intensity of the pressure for money is New York ; but according to the most filmurahle view, it would appear that the stare of things at pre-ent in that great commetcial city is far worse than it was here during the memorable panic of 1825. The following are the days fixed fur the closing and reopening of the books of the Stocks specified below. SHUT. uric.
Three per Cent. Consuls June 2 July 14
New Three-anihaiiallper Cents 2 14
New Fise per Cruts 12
Three per Cents. 1726 7
' 12
Annuities for Terms of Years 8
East India Stock 2 14 South Sea Stock 3 la New South Sea Annuities 2 14 Almon IDA, 1 oil 2 14 In the Foreign Market, the Sainish Securities have experienced some very- considerable fluctuations. The tall in price has exceeded :3 per cent. in one day ; and on Wednesday afternoon, the price fell from 41 to 39, after the usual hour for closing the Stuck Exchange. The lowest quotat' at present has been 341; which gives a depreciation of 4 per cent. from the closing price of last week ; but from that point a reaction has occurred. and the price to day has been 41i, and after touching 401, closes newly at the highest price. It would be idle to repeat all the rumours by which these fluctuations have been occasioned : the improvement, however, of tmday has been the result of a report that intelli- gence has lawn received from Madrid, that the English Ambassador, Mr. Viathata, had succeeded in effecting a reconciliation between MENDIRA BAL. and larcRITZ ; that there had been some disturbances in Madrid, but that every thing was quiet in the capital upon the departure of the courier. It is rather remarkable in the chapter of coincidences, that the fall of Spanish Stock com- menced this year on the identical day. (20th May ) that the panic of last year began ; although, luckily, the depression has nut been carried to any thing like the former extent, and, from the much more limited nature of the speculations at present going on, could nut under any circumstances have been attended with such disastrous consequences. The European Continental Stocks have continued unaffected by the fluctua- tions to which we have just referred. The Railway Shares are heavy, in consequence of the pressure for money, and the stop which a great fall in Spanish Stock always puts to all other speculations. in many of them, however, the suspension of business is consequent upon the Parliamentary recess, by which the excitement supplied by the daily proceedings of the Committees has been withdrawn. Stephenson's Brighton Shares have hem depressed 31. per share, but have since improved, and, after having been at 71., are quoted at 91. prem. The Shares t.f Ramie's Company are also higher, viz. Oa I.
As is usually the case on Saturday, the Consul M u ket has nut fluctuated in the slightest degree, and the business transacted has been quite unimportant. The transactions in the Foreign Funds have also hems on a very I. 'ted scale. The opening price of Spanish Stock was 44, but the near approach of the set- ling day, which is fixed for Tuesday, has operat.d unfavourably upon the mar- ket ; and the mice has been as low as 40i: a slight improvement has, however, since occurred, and it is now 403 a. The Share Market has improved ; and s slight demand exists fur many descriptions of Shares, which were previously only quoted at nominal priers. The following are the pliers of some of the must current. Brighton (Stephenaun's) 9 10; dial (Rennie's) a i ; Black- well '4 a ; ditto Commercial a i; Northern and Eastern 1) 1 ; London Grand Junction % i ; Southampton 5 6; Great Western 25 27; Cheltenham and ditto I fi; Birmingham and Derby 41 a; North Midland 75. SATURDAY, FOUR tic hocx.
The Consul Market has continued unmoved, but Spanish Snick has rallied from its extreme point of depression ; and, after being at 41i, clo es at 401 it. We cannot notice any material alteration in the prices of the principal varieties of Railway Shares ; but there is a visible improvement in the tune of the market, although no material rise in prices.
3 per Cent. Consols
Ditto tor Accuuut
91t ii 9s
New 34 per Cent. Anus l001 4
India 'tuck
— Bank Stuck — Exchequer Bills
12 14pm
Belgian 5 per Cents 1014 2
Brazilian 5 per Cents
864 7
Dauish 3 per 'rents.
Dutch 24 per Cents 56t 7
trench 3 tier Lents
Mexican 5 pi' l 'eats. 3334 Portuguese 3 per Cents. 534
Do. Regency 5 per Cent Mt
Russian.1521. 5 per Cent 1094 1141
Spanish. 1834.5 per Cent 401 4
Mtn,. Deterred 194 Ditto. Passive 114