28 MAY 1870, Page 1


TRE Fenians have apparently made, or are making, another fiasco in Canada. They crossed the border near St. Alban's, Vermont, on Wednesday, the 25th inst., under the command of General O'Neill. One band was met by the Canadian troops (appar- ently in smaller force), and repulsed with a loss of two or three killed and two wounded. General O'Neill was arrested by a United States' marshal at a farmhouse, and the expedition was said to be demoralized and to have come to grief ; but later accounts state that the expedition was still going on. Of course, the object is to involve us in difficulties with the United States' authorities, who seem to be acting very well. General Grant has issued the usual proclamation ordering his subordinates to prevent the breach of the law, and warning all who break it that they forfeit all right to the protection of the Government. The Fenians will only meet with mortifying defeats, and there seems no reasonable fear but that they will fail in their only important design of embroiling England with the United States. Fenianism is becoming another name for flare and futility.