The Greek Massacre Has Been Discussed Both In The Commons
and the Lords, but as yet the Government has abstained from giving any intimation of the course it intends to adopt. Sir Roundell Palmer brought forward the matter on Friday......
News Of The Week.
T RE Fenians have apparently made, or are making, another fiasco in Canada. They crossed the border near St. Alban's, Vermont, on Wednesday, the 25th inst., under the command of......
We Have - Called Attention Elsewhere To The Exact Effect Of
the proposed Government amendments on the Education Bill, and the apparent resolve to leave a good many of the moot-points to be decided in Committee. We may add that, in spite......
The Question Was Raised On Monday In The Peers By
Lord Carnarvon, who, in a speech of some eloquence and much feeling, endeavoured to prove the responsibility of the Greek Govern- ment,—successfully, we think, as regards the......
The Corps Legislatif Communicated The Result Of The...
the Emperor on Saturday. M. Schneider, President of the Chamber, made a speech, the point of which was that the Emperor had laid down the basis of a Parliamentary system, and......
The King Of Prussia Closed The German Parliament On...
in a speech which in German is probably eloquent, though in English it reads heavily. Its point is the rapid progress made by the Confederation Parliament towards unity of......