The week has been distinguished by an immense crime,—the murder
of an entire family, a married man, his wife, his three children, his mother, and his sister, apparently by a released con- vict, who calls himself Jones or Jenkins, -but whose real name is still unknown. We have given an account of the tragedy else- where, but must here mention that the reports of a confession were unfounded, that the accused man declares the murders were perpetrated by some one else, giving, however, no explanation of the facts which tell so heavily against himself, and that the people of Uxbridge will have it that the accused is the murdered man's brother, who emigrated some years ago. Of this, however, there seems to be no evidence except a remark by Jenkins to a warder in a gaol where he had been confined that he had a brother a blacksmith in Uxbridge, and the suggestion of matricide lends a needless horror to one of the worst crimes of our time.