The City Commissioners of Sewers are going to deserve a
testimonial. They have been trying an experiment which pro- mises to relieve London of one of its greatest evils, incessant noise. They laid down in Threadneedle Street some months ago a road- way of asphalte, which is noiseless, yields no dust, and, if well cleaned, is not slippery. Mr. Haywood, the Engineer to the Com- mission, examined the roadway on Wednesday, cut away square blocks of it, tested them, and found that the reduction toy wear and tear was infinitesimal. It is stated that the asphalte roadway is cheaper and more durable than Macadam's, that it diminishes the draught on horses, and that its use in Paris is rapidly extend- ing. There is no doubt of its noiselessness, and leading City firms are petitioning for a large extension of the experiment. Some day we shall be rid both of noise and smoke in London, and then !—why glen we shall only have to get rid of the roughs to have a city almost habitable.