The American View of the Copyright Question. By Richard Grant
White. (Rontledge.)—The "American view" seems to us a little un- practical. Mr. White says in effect, " Abolish all Copyright Acts, and trust the author's property to the equitable right which declares that what a man has produced is his." " Lot Parliament and Congress simply repeal in ton words all copyright laws, and the British author's right to his book in the United States and the American' author's to his in Great Britain would be as absolute and defensible as Sir Edward Canard's is in one of his steamers, whether it be in New York or in Liverpool." That sounds an heroic remedy. We take it that for a year or two after such repeal authors would have a bad time. Suppose the judge could not discern an equity right—and who can tell what Judges can or cannot discern ?—what then ?