28 MAY 1881, page 23

Tho Theory Of Logic. By Carveth Read. (c. Kagan Paul

and Co.) —A book, this, for time thorough-going student of the art or science of logic, a science, indeed, so difficult, that wo may be pretty sure wo shall never bear the last......

Minor Canon, Librarian, Succentor, And Junior Cardinal,"...

Cathedral ; and it has been a labour of love with him to collect records and memorials of the splendid building, excelled and even equalled by very few churches in Europe, which......

Novres,—pelic'y And Passion. By Mrs. Campbell Freed. 3...

is evidently already beginning to rival the mother-country in ono branch at least of production, that of tho novel. Policy and Passion might have been written by one of the......

Our Sons And Daughters. By Ernest Lemma. Translated By Emily

Mills. (Romington.)—We aro much obliged to Miss Mills for introducing to English renders these very pleasing " Scones and Sketches from Family Life." The first story, "Two......

Not Many Years Ago. By An Elderly Bachelor....

it for granted that these " Memories of My Life," as they are called, are veritable recollections of fact, we may say that they are interesting. There are some curious details,......