There have been strange occurrences at Lisbon. It appears that,
at a Council held on the 10th instant, the Queen expressed her disapprobation of the intended march of the Portuguese troops to aid the Spanish Royalists, and finally refused to fulfil that con- dition of the Quadruple Treaty. The next day, the Ministers all resigned. The Queen then applied to several persons of influence to form a new Administration; but without success. At length the Marquises of LOULE and FRONTEIRA. undertook the manage- ment of the affair; but in a few hours reported their inability to proceed, principally on account of the difficulty in proc-oring a successor to SILVA CARVALHO, in the Ministry of Finance. The silly Queen was then forced to send again for SALDANHA,—who, it was hoped, would have deserted his colleagues, but who, for once, acted with honesty and decision,—and assured him that she would not accept his resignation, or those of his colleagues ; so they all resumed their respective offices. It is said that the Duke of TERCEIRA, who is jealous of SALDANHA, secretly advised the Queen to oppose the march of the troops into Spain. Not content with their reinstatement in office, the Ministers compelled the Queen to write the following letter to SALDANHA, which appeared in the Government newspaper, among the official notifications.
" Having with regret agreed to the desire of the Marquis and his colleagues who represent me in the Ministry, who solicited me to accept their resignations, and to the same request made me by the Marshal Duke of Terceira, Commander- in-Chief of the Army, I resolved to call to me, to form a new Administration, some members of the Legislative Chambers whom I thought qualified for that purpose; who, having endeavoured to propose to me a new Ministry, honourably declared to me that all their attempts to comply with my orders had failed.
" I therefore again persist in refusing the resip,-nation tendered both by the Ministers and the Commander-in-Chief of the Army; and confide in their character to serve with the same zeal which I acknowledge in all of them. " Palace das Necessidades, Nov. 13, 1835. 31aRIA."
The popular feeling was excited against the Ministry by this proceeding. It was said they had no right to subject their young Sovereign to this humiliation; and the consequence, according to the latest report from Lisbon, has been another and not a volun- tary resignation of the whole Ministry.
The elections to the Cortes, which are now in progress, have not been very favourable to the Ministers.