Yesterday Evenites, About Six O'clock, A Fire Broke Out In
the apart- ments of the Dowager Marchioness of Satisnuity, in Hatfield House, Hertfordshire. The flames were extinguished before midnight, but neatly the whole of the......
At The Ballot Of The Royal Society On Thursday, Where
RAPIIAEL was rejected by 24 to S, and A LENANDER, a Tory, nearly rejected, Sir WILLIAM MorEswoteru, the Radical, had not a single black ball. This is curious enough, in a......
It Is Undeniable That Mr. O'consers Frequently Uses Terms...
sive to " ears polite." Sir FRANCIS Buanerr, in his days of "glory," was a notorious railer, always ready to repay abuse with foul language. It amused us, last night, to observe......
East India Shipping.
Arrived—At Gravesend, Nov. 21th, 'Hinds, Loc. t!, horn Hem:Tat; and Henry Forcher, Dart, from New South Wales; sod 25 . 11, William Turner, Leitch, from Bombay. At Deal,......
The Theatres.
(so-called) new comedy, The Inheritance, produced nt Covent Garden on Tuesday, and ushered in with the customary formula of a prologue, turns out to be a commonplace play by Mr.......
The Acquittals Of The Captains Of Two Steam-vessels, On...
of manslaughter, are stated in our abstract of the proceedings in the Courts of Justice. The verdicts, given under the direction of the Court, are such as we expected and the......
The Adelphi Burletta Is Evidently Breastose's Entire ;...
best praise that can he given to him is, that its success is owing to the stage-tact with which he has put it together. It is entitled A Dream at Sea ; though " the dream " has......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCIIANGF, FRIDAY A FTYRNOON. Our report to-day of the English Funds will offer a complete counterpart of last week's transactions. The pi ice of Stock had been kept up in......