28 NOVEMBER 1835, Page 8

Yesterday evenites, about six o'clock, a fire broke out in

the apart- ments of the Dowager Marchioness of Satisnuity, in Hatfield House, Hertfordshire. The flames were extinguished before midnight, but neatly the whole of the south-western part of time noble building was destroyed. Very few particulars of the calamity are as yet known. From the ac- counts published this evening, it is even uncertain whether the Dowager

Marchioness was burnt to death, or whether she escaped. The Globe says that the apartment in which she was sitting was enveloped by the fire, and the unfortunate lady, who was eighty-five years old, was destroyed, before any alarm was given : but according to the account in the Courier, which seems the more probable, her Ladyship was rescued, though with some difficulty. It is said that the library was completely consumed.