Arrived—At Gravesend, Nov. 21th, 'Hinds, Loc. t!ti.in, horn Hem:Tat; and Henry Forcher, Dart, from New South Wales; sod 25.11, William Turner, Leitch,
from Bombay. At Deal, 25th. Aliquis. Fee, front Botobity. A.t Cork, 2 tat, Sovereign, Campbell, from China. At Ikerpool, 24111. Gunge, 1111:entety, from Bengal ; and Sarah, Smiler, from Singapore. At the Cape, September 1st, Robert Small. Fulelier ; 7th, Exullith, Warren ; amlSdt, Iona, Grant, front Loudon; 10: Ii, Bland. Callen; and lint. !Margaret. Ta)lor, front Liverpool; and Ilero, Camp- bell, from London ; 13th. St. George, ThaMpAtill, from Brimol; mud 14th, Augusta Jessie, Edintiorongh ; and Lord W. Bentinck, Hutchinson, from Madras. At Bombay. previous to 25th Jnly, Lord Lowther, Grant ; and Thomas Coons, Onslow, from Lon- don ; .lull both, Lintin, Taylor ; and I l di. Columbian, Houten, from Liverpool ; 17th,. bolus, 51•Fitt lane, front the Clyde; LOth, Euphrates, B itt.1.1tatti, front London; and Imogene, Riley, from Liverpool. At China, Slav 11111, Universe, Brock. from Liver p tol. SaLed—From Gravesend. Nov. 20th, Camilla. Mars'..all. :or Can Diemen's Land; and 26th, Bengal Packet, Steward, for Bengal.
RA o ran 1Y MORNING. Arrived-01T Liverpool. Frank, Sean right. from China. At the cape, Sept. 17t It. Car- titauttic, Brodie, from London. At Bombay, July 23rd, va, 51'111....rson, from Liver-