28 NOVEMBER 1835, Page 8



Our report to-day of the English Funds will offer a complete counterpart of last week's transactions. The pi ice of Stock had been kept up in anticipation of the purchase by the Chancery Broker on behalf of the \Vest Indian Indemnity claims, and receded immediately after the purchase was effected. Since that time, the market has continued without fluctuation ; and the business has been unimportant, until this afternoon, when a decline of per cent, occurred. The near approach of the time for closing the books of various Stocks, the dividends of which become due in January, joined to the uncertain state of the political relations of France and America, may reasonably account for the heaviness of the market, which has continued languid under the operation of the extensive purchases to which for the last few weeks we had such continual occasion to refer. It is rumoured that the period fur closing the books of the Three per Cent. Consuls will be delayed for some days, in order to allow the investment of all the sums appropriated to the Fquidation of the disputed \Vest Indian claims before January. At present no official notice has been given of such intention ; and the following are the days on which the books of the several Stocks will be closed.


Three per Cent COD,DIA Dee. 2 1535

New Three.and.a.half per Cents — 2,


New Five per Cents. ........ 4, -

Three per Cents, 1726 — 3. -

Annuities Mr Terms of Year — 7, - East India Stock — 3, - South Sea Stock — 2. - New South Sea Annuities — 3, - Annuities, 1751 — 3,

In the Foreign Market, both Spanish and Portuguese Securities have de• dined ; the former in a much greater degree than the latter. The speech of the Queen upon the openit'n, of the Corn's did not produce its anticipated effect upon the price of Spanish Stock ; and in the absence of extensive purchases, the price has not been sust lined, or the large quantity of Stock recently thrown upon the market absorbed : hence a decline of nearly :3 per cent. has occurred in the price ; and from the difficulty which the speculators final to carry over the Stock they have aurchascd, the market is likely to continue heavy. The change of alirrstry in Pi rtugal has operated upon the Bonds of that country ; and these Securities are leavy at 1 per cent. below previous quo- tations.

The South American sa.citrities have declined ; speculation having in these, rs in Spanish Securities, produced a reaction.

The Railway Shares • re as in our hot. So are the Mining Shares ; with the exception of the Real Del Monte, to which some favourable intelligence, recesey received, has given an impulse of from Se to 4/. per share.

SATORDAY. TWKI.VE o'esoca. The English Funds are at yesterday's pricel. In the Foreign Market, Spanish

OPEN. .1 in. 14,


S. 1836.

— 22.- 7,

-- 14.

• • • •• .....

— 13, — 14, -- 14, —

Stock has declined, notwithstanding a temporary impulse has been given to the market by the firmness of the prices in Pails. The opening price was 46, and the mice speedily reached 46k, but has since declined, and is now 456 3. Por- tuguese Stock is heave, without any transactions of importance. The Railway Shares are generally at yesterday's prices—London and Birmingham are 46 4S prem. ; Great Western, SI, 91 prem. ; Greenwich, 61: n prem. ; and North Midland, 1 k 2 prem. SATCRDAY. FOUR o'croca. The Consol Market has experienced a further decline this efternoon ; and at one time the peke was as in as 91 for Money and 91i fur the Account. An improvement of h per cent. has since occurred ; and the closing prices are 916 for Money and 911 a for the Account. The Spanish Securities have been very much depressed : the price was of cc as low as 4S.sk ; from that point, how- ever, the market has improved, and c eses at 45, a. The Portuguese Bonds have also declined, but close at higher in ices titan they have been at during the afternoon. The Railway Shares, South American -Securities, and :Hieing Shares, continue as yesterday.

3 ter Cent. Consols 911: Dutch 2! per Cents 554

1/it to for Around 911 4 French :1 per ('ems -

New 3k per Cent. Annuities 112,{ IOU Greek, 1525. 5 per rents —

Bank Stock 211 Mexieat. 6 per Cents 16 ss

Exchequer Bills 15 17pm. 1'ortn2oem. 3 per tent: 55} 6

Gmeiton — Do. II ege ney 5 per Cent Stmt :.

Belgian 5 per Cents..ex.div 11.104 Bin:stall, 1-'22. 5 per Cent 10.14 Brazilian 5 per Cents. SO i Spari,h. I-35, 5 per t 'cot .. 4,,i Danish 3 per Cents. 764 i Ditto 1'01 45: