On Wednesday, an inquest was held on the body of
Mr. John
rt a, a get email of ver, ler, c fortaae, and turteerly in the Civil service of the East Italia Company :Li .M..dras. It Untamed frown the evidence, that Mr. Mackerrell destroyed himself on Tuesday, by drinking a quantity of prussic acid. Ina James Johnson, his medical attendant, stated, that for some time past he had been ant: :led with mental delusions of an extraordinary nature on alteruate days. IIc did not think that he could be said to be insane ; and declined sayioo what his delusions were, unless ordered by the Court. The Coroner did not press him to describe then]. 'f he evidence of other witnesses fell short of proving insanity. A letter written on the day of his suicide was quit,• rational, unless the dechinition that he had made up his mind to kill himself be taken as a proof of madness. The Jury, however, by a majority of 15 to 5, brought in a verdict of " Temporary Insanity."
A Coroner's Jury assembled yesterday at the Marine Barracks, Woolwich, to inquire into the cause of the death of a soldier belong-
ing to the Royal _Marines. It appeared from tine evidence, that the deceased, who was rather a disorderly tallow, had received at hundred and thirty lashes for some misconduct, by order of a Court-martial. Ile was sentenced to a hundred and fifty, but the surgeons stopped the punishment after a hundred and thirty had been inflicted. Ile was taken to the hospital in a dreadful state,—though it was said by the dresser that "no flesh was cut out of his back :" he was seized with tetanus, or lock-jaw, in the course of a few days, ulceration
having taken place; and he died. There was conflicting evidence as to the severity of the punishment. The miliogy surgeons seemed to
think nothing of it. One of them even said that his back woldd not be marked ; but a drummer who flogged him said that he fainted ; and it is clear that he was terribly mangled. The sight of Coe poor
ereature's body was sickening. One of tine drummers said he had !logged men " hundreds of times ;" and the evidence Korea that the
regiment is a flogging one. Colonel API leverty is tine amomooler. The Jury found this verdict—" That Thomas Ilamsay C:1111e by his death in consequence of a lockedsjaw, arising from the punishment received in pursuance of the sentence of ;t Court-martial held upon him."