(The Country. The Tory candidate succeeded at Devizes; the numbers
at the (dose of the poll being—for Estcourt 157, 1/ninth's 145. Mr. Esteourt has considerable property in Devizes and the neighbourhood, and is gene- rally popular there ; though we cannot envy hint the good opinion of a constituency which also sends Sir Philip Durham to Parliament ! The Reverend Sir George Robinson, who used to pass for a Mode- rate Whig, and who proposed Lord FitaWilliai», then Lord 3iilton, in has gone over to the Tories. He wrote a silly letter to Mr. I latilitiry, alleging as a reason for his defection, tluit he could not ap- prove of the "disgraceful coalition" of Lord :Melbourne with O'Con- nell. Sir George carries with hint only five votes.
Ts 0 Reverend Littleton Powys leta also gone over to (ii Tories :
but this is of the less consequence as his nephew. Lord a stanch supporter of Gore; nment, has the vowunurl of all the votes which the fitfully can influence. On the other hand, Lord Strathaven has left the Tories aml joined the Reformers ; and thereby a balance of gain is aiven to the latter.
Mr. Alleinisell has about 1h)4_ )1. a year in Northamptonshire ; and is brother to an Irish Archdeacon. Mr. Danbury is a gentleman of con- siderable property in the county, and his family have been long con- nected with it.
i he Hampshire Tories are very angry that the name of Mr. G. If. Ward, their candidate to oppose Sir B. Simeon for the Isle of Wight, has been placed at the bead of the list of gentlemen from among whom the Sheriff must he chosen. If Mr. Ward is appointed, as is almost certain, he cannot of course become a candidate for a seat iu l'at !lament.
Mr. It. B. Hall is the Tory candidate for West Ghmeestershire, in the room of the Marquis of Worcester, now Duke of Beaufort.