It is believed that previous arrangements will prevent the Right
Honourable Sir Robert Peel from accepting the invitation of the Marquis of Londonderry, Lord Roden, and other distinguished cha- racters, to a public dinner at Derry.—Morning Post. [The Right Honourable Str Robert is not the simpleton these Orangemen took him for.]
Sir Francis Head has resigned the office of Assistant Poor-law Com- missioner, and is to succeed Sir John Colborne as Governor of Upper Canada. Sir John Walsham replaces Sir Francis Head.
Lord Brudeneli, who cut so conspicuous a figure in a certain Court- martial in Ireland, is, it seems, to be inflicted by Lord Hill on the 11th Dragoons. We should have imagined that Lord Brudenell would have abandoned all idea of again placing himself in a situation for which he is evidently not fitted. They certainly, at all events, are not friends of his Lordship who again put him prominently forward. But, however this may be, people will wonder why the Ilth Dragoons has been selected for the reception of his Lordship. We trust the officers of that regiment have given Lord Hill no cause for singling them out for this experiment.—Morning Chronicle.
Mr. Ex-Sheriff Raphael was black-balled at the meeting of the Royal Society on Thursday. It is a very rate occurrence to have a candidate rejected here. There were 3 to I against his admission. The meeting was numerous, and comprised some of the most eminent men of all parties now in town. Sir John Rennie wasi a he chair,
and counted Ow balls amidst the scarcely suppressed sneers of the meeting. Mr. Raphael's certificate was signed by Earl Munster, Lord Brougham, and two or three others ; but it was made cut and signed by them several weeks before he applied to Mr. O'Connell for his assistance to get into Parliament. The last person who was black- balled before Mr. Raphael was Mr. Hughes I{ughes.—Globe.