28 NOVEMBER 1835, Page 9



Sin—In the lengthened, and in many respects commendatory notice of my Random Itee, lerHons of the Honse of Commons, which ;omens iu the Stectatur of last Sunday, you censure the writer for dwelling so much on the mew pers.,nnel of the Members. You mention that I have so described the personal appearauee of the gentlemen whose names I have introduced. as that the reader, with the book in his hand. can identify them at once. Now this was one of the principal of jeets I had in view ; as may be boleros' both from the titlepage and the preface to the work. Part of the t it lepage runs thus: " Including P. ?woad Sketches of the Leading Members of all l'arties." I am sure you must often have observed I bat the questions usually put by a person who has not seen the leading Members of Parliament to one who has, white to their age, features, stature, and personal appearance generally. I have endeavoured to an- t icipvt e stall questions : and as out admit that my likenesses are good, I hardly think that I am deserving of censure for doing that which I professed to do. You praise the sketch of Mr. O'CostNEt.r. as one of superior merit. I ant sure I need not mention to you, that though my abilities were much greater than they are, it would be impossible to make as good a sketch from the materials which so man) of the Members afford as from those which are furnished by such a person as Mr. 01;0x:cr.:LI,. I need not say that there are many Members in the Douse whose names often appear before the pub- lic eye. who afford nothing but " personal materials fur a writer to work on. I know it is very unusual to allow authors to make observations on reviews of their works, in the journals ill Willa such reviews have appeared : such indulgeuce on thus part of the conductors of the public press, were it generally granted, would be attended with great inconvenience to themselves. But as I am only anxious to prevent any one coming. from the tenor of your obseivat ions, to the erroneous conclusion, that I had proposed to deal chiefly with the intellectual characters of Members, while, in point of fact, I had in many cases principally sketched their personal appearance, I am sure you will not refuse inwrtion to these few lines.

I am, Sir, your most obedient servant, THE ACTILOR.