28 NOVEMBER 1931, Page 34


On the subject of trade revival prospects a note of hope was sounded by the Duke of Buceleuch at the annual meeting of the Royal Bank of Scotland in Edinburgh on Wednesday. After reviewing the change in the political situation resulting from the recent election, he remarked that we had secured the desired return of confidence and that sense of security essential to all trading enterprise, and there was a new atmosphere. Abandonment of the gold standard had had a stimulating effect upon our export trade, although that had its limitations. High hopes, too, were centred upon the measures to be adopted by the National Government, but it must never be forgotten that in addition to what can be achieved in that way, much hard work and personal effort, would be required before we were in the position to resume our old place in the markets of the world. As to the stabilization of the pound, however desirable as that might be, we must wait, as we could not afford to take action until we were absolutely assured that we could maintain the new basis as a definite and permanent arrangement.