28 NOVEMBER 1931, page 13

Country Life

A REAL Am to FARMERS. A thoughtful scheme for helping the more intensive farmer has been worked out in the Ministry of Agriculture, has been earefidly expressed in graphs, both......

Imported Birds.

We are used in England to the importation of Hungarian partridges, which in some counties have done much to multiply and strengthen the home stock. In a wholly remark- able news......

Cover Or Covert?

There is one English country term that many of us would like to know how to spell. Should we write covert or cover ? It is often regarded as a sign, if not of illiteracy, of......

The Scheme Is Not Easy To Carry Through. It Would

mean a much more thorough system of grading ; and some better ha'son would have to be arranged between the merchants and the associated producers. But none of the difficulties......

Now, Some May Think That The Loss To The Producer,

at any rate, brings advantage to the consumers. It does not, even temporarily. No personal experience in farming matters more impressed me—and it is worth even " damnable itera-......

So Much For The Consumer, Whose Ideals Never Really Differ

from the producer's. They flourish together. If the producer suffers, his loss will ultimately damage the consumer, and, indeed, the middleman. To return to the Ministry's plan......

And Mammals.

There is some real hope that within a few years we may see the end of many of the cruelties of trapping owing to the extension of the trade in captive and half-domesticated......

Birds And Cultivation.

Since last year I have seen a large population of partridges clean disappear from a district, This is not due to a bad year but to change of cultivation, for partridges in the......