From: Miss Elizabeth Barber one, Colin Welch, T. C. Skeffington- Lodge, Kenneth Tynan, Peter Jay. Colin Shaw, Hubert V. Little, Marcus Lipton MP, Sir Michael Balcon, Bruce Beresford, and others.
£500 Spring prize
Sir: We are much interested in the announcement in last week's SPEC- TATOR of an annual New Writing Prize of £500.
While welcoming the size of the award. we are astonished by the condition of entry, No. 5, in which the SPECTATOR takes the copyright in all entries—thereby effectively preventing competitors, prize win- ning and non-prize winning alike, from publishing their entries else- where. Can it be that the full im- plicaticins of this condition had not struck those responsible for draft- ing the announcement. Would you care to comment?
Elizabeth Barber General Secretary, The Society of Authors, 84 Drayton Gardens, London sw10
We are indebted to Miss Barber for pointing out this inadvertent error in drafting. Condition 5 has now been amended, and reads in accordance with our normal prac- tice, 'Copyright of all entries pub- lished by the SPECTATOR rests with the SPECTATOR'—Editor, the SPEC. TATOR.