28 NOVEMBER 1970, page 18

Why Not I?

Sir: Everyone except Peter Pater- son knows Tom Paine. described by him (three times) as Payne, in his `Political Commentary' of 2 November. Why the 'y' not Marcus Lipton House......

Bbc Replies

Sir: In 'The Spectator's Notebook' last week, the proposition is made, apparently, that the present sac should be replaced with a minimum of seven other bodies, presided over by......

The British At The Beginning

Sir: I read Tom Driberg's article on Vietnam in 1945 (14 Novem- ber) with great interest. This is certainly a corner of history which needs illuminating. I am not sure he has......

Sore Feet

Sir: Ministers from Mr Heath downwards constantly tell us to stand on our own feet. Apart from the fact that many are crippled and have no feet, or even legs, to enable them to......

Where There's Smoke

Sir: Mr George Nichol! (Letters, 14 November) asks how large is the proportion of people demand- ing a restriction on smoking. The answer is the 57 per cent of our population......

Tynan V. Palmer

Sir: Tony Palmer's reply (Letters, 21 November) to my reply to his piece on the Polanski Macbeth invites a little demolition. As follows: I. The suggestion that I paralz leled......

No Scuttle

Sir: Immediately after the General Election, with the promise of better things to come, there was an im- mediate and substantial drop in the number of proposed emigrations. Does......

Open Letter

Dear Spectator and all other diarists who, when they cannot think of anything better, fill out their columns with abuse of other journalists and so forth, Will you please stop......

Heath's Performance

Sir: In your leading article you quoted with approval Keynes's aphorism, 'in the long run we are all dead'. This cynical mot is normally used to justify all manner of quick,......

Letters To The Editor

From: Miss Elizabeth Barber one, Colin Welch, T. C. Skeffington- Lodge, Kenneth Tynan, Peter Jay. Colin Shaw, Hubert V. Little, Marcus Lipton MP, Sir Michael Balcon, Bruce......