Peel appeal
Sir: It was with interest that I read the correspondence from Simon Prescott-Hughes (Letters, 21 November). for I myself have undertaken research into the tradi-
tional English love of marmalade.
An old business colleague of mine living in Lahore has always sent a gift of sixteen different mar- malades for Christmas, in appre- ciation of my standing order for Indian leaf tea. The many varieties of marmalade received include the normal lime, ginger and orange flavour, the sixteenth however is of turtle flavour without peel but, in- stead, particles of shell.
This extraordinary concoction of our 'peelful' recipe has, I must admit, caused Within our house- 'hold extensive research into its origin.
Insofar as furthering Mr Pres- cott-Hughes's research into the English love of marmalade, I can only say that my turtle specialite has produced upon tasting no understatement but a considerable amount of overstatement!
John M. Patterson Swallows Hay. Oakfield Road, Ashstead, Surrey