Eye of the beholder
Sir: It was with great interest that I read your article 'Not always blessed are the peacemakers' (31 October). Along with Rigoberta Menchu's well- deserved award, this article at last begins to bring attention to the sad plight of Guatemala. Commentators such as Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the Daily Tele- graph are naive to the point of stupidity: to have lived in Guatemala while turning a blind eye to the atrocities carried out by the army there — such as the unprovoked mas- sacre of Indians at Santiago de Atitlan reveals the same lack of perspicacity as the most blinkered tourist passing through the country for a week with an eye only for the scenery.
I have passed through Guatemala, spend- ing only four weeks there but fortunately with my eyes open. I therefore applaud The Spectator for helping to bring the chronic injustices in Guatemala into the public eye. Matthew Adams
75 Clifton Road, Rugby, Warwicks